Property Management Hacks Making Life Easier
Looking to make your life a little easier in 2018? Looking for ways to boost productivity? You have come to the right place. Being a property manger is extremely demanding with day to day tasks pulling managers in every direction. Here’s where our property management hacks come into the picture. These simple ideas and tips are designed to make life easier for property managers while helping boosting productivity:
Create “Cell Phone Time”
This might be our single biggest property management hack for 2018! To boost productivity day to day, block off a specific time to look at and use your cell phone. Disable notifications from specific apps and most importantly, text messages. While this might seem impossible, it can be done and will boost productivity. According to Forbes, smartphone users spend 5 hours per day using mobile apps and checking messages. Blocking off “cell phone time” and disabling notifications from just a handful of apps like Facebook, Instagram, and Snapchat will reduce how much time is wasted on your phone everyday.
Use Social Media To Your Advantage
While social media can generate issues for property managers it can also work to property managers advantage. If your property does not already have an active Facebook page, start using it as a tool to publish property information in 2018. Encourage tenants or residents to follow the property page and use it as a communication tool via chat. Facebook can be a powerful tool when you have it work for you not against you. To make life easier, download the mobile page manager app so you can post and chat right from your smartphone.
Automate Your Social Media Posts
Can’t find time to make all those social media posts? Use a social media automation tool, we recommend Hootsuite, to schedule your posts. They offer a completely free version and it can schedule posts to multi-platforms including Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter. If you maintain a property calendar, spend time at the beginning of each month or quarter simply scheduling posts about events on the calendar. This is a very easy way to share relevant information with tenants and increase your pages activity.
Handling Unreasonable Tenants
Dealing with unreasonable tenants is time consuming and a major mental drain. While unreasonable tenant requests can’t be avoided, it helps to develop a process for dealing with them. Here’s a quick run down of our five step plan for handling unreasonable tenant requests:
- Acknowledge the complaint
- Do not address complaints immediately
- Maintain control of the situation
- focus on a reasonable compromise
- Write a formal plan to resolve
Unfortunately, we can guarantee most property managers will deal with an unreasonable tenant request in 2018, but that does not mean it has to blow up your day. Having a process in place to deal with them and getting ahead of the situation is a surefire way to make life easier in 2018.
Have other property management hacks that you think will make a difference in 2018? Send us an email with your ideas.
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