Solutions For Unexpected Hiring Needs
Even the most stable apartment management companies experience sudden job openings due to unforeseen circumstances. While the short term loss of one employee can be manageable, under staffing a property long term can cause major problems. Consequently, property managers need a reliable staffing company they can turn to for help finding qualified employees. After doing the research, here are 5 apartment staffing companies property managers can call to find talented professionals in a pinch.
5 Top Apartment Staffing Companies
AAA Apartment Staffing
Considering a sign spinner to market your apartment complex?
Industry leaders since being founded in 1998, AAA Apartment Staffing is resource for local, regional, and national apartment management companies. They support a diverse range of multi-family properties and positions.
- Support multi-family properties in 43 of 50 states
- Experienced with student, senior, tax credit, and section 8 housing
Checkout AAA Apartment Staffing’s website to learn more about their multi-family staffing services.
Premier Apartment Staffing
Exclusive to the apartment industry, Premier Apartment Staffing has helped over 300 properties solve hiring challenges since 1999. While they started as a permanent placement firm, they have grown into a full service firm offering temporary and temporary to permanent services.
- Offer a 60 day guarantee on permanent hires
- Specialize in the midwestern United States
Checkout Premier Apartment Staffing Services’ website to learn more about their multi-family staffing services.
Penn Apartment Staffing
Using the slogan, “The Way Staffing Should Be“, multi-family property managers can count on Penn Apartment Staffing when they need to quickly fill a sudden job opening. While they only provide talent in the Dallas, Fort Worth, and Houston, Texas markets, they are industry leaders in 2 of the country’s largest cities.
- No fees or minimum employee hours
- Handle all employment applications and criminal background checks
Check out Penn Apartment Staffing’s website to learn more about their apartment staffing services.
BG Multi-Family Staffing
A nationwide provider, BG Multi-Family staffing has more than 30 offices throughout the United States. In addition to their national presence, BG Multi-Family Staffing is part of a larger family of staffing brands. This allows them to provide property management companies with professionals from IT and accounting backgrounds.
- Online portal for employers and employees to manage the process
- Named one of the largest staffing firms in American in 2017
Check out BG Multi-Family’s website to learn more about their apartment staffing services.
Career Strategies Inc.
Another national apartment staffing company, Career Strategies Inc. offer staffing for a wide range of property management positions. This includes everything from leasing to maintenance to property management professionals.
- Criminal background, credit score, and social security verification checks on every hire
- Offer free educational training to property managers to improve their skill set
Check out Career Strategies Inc’s website to learn more about their apartment staffing services.
Do you know any apartment staffing companies we need to add to our list? Send us an email with their name and a link to their website and we will explore adding them to our list!