Apartment Resident Event Ideas for February 2022
February is the shortest month of the year but it doesn’t mean it can’t be fun! Dark, cold, and full of winter weather, February is the perfect time to host events to brighten your resident’s day and let them know you are thinking of them. If you are looking for inspiration for resident events and activities, take a look at our ideas for February 2022.
Valentine’s Day Celebrations
For many, Valentine’s Day is a celebration of their love. Show some love to your residents this February 14th with these Valentine’s Day celebrations:
DIY Valentine’s Day Cards: We have been exchanging Valentine’s cards since the renaissance, set up a table with cardstock, markers, stickers, and more for residents to make cards to give to friends and family. This is a great Valentine’s Day activity for properties with lots of young children, who can make cards for their parents.
Have A Chocolate Bar: Host a get-together filled with chocolatey goodness. Set up a hot coco station, chocolate fountain, or chocolate-dipped pretzels and Oreos for a yummy sweet treat. Consider partnering with a local candy shop that would be willing to sponsor the event in exchange for selling sweet treats to residents. This is a great event to host a few days before Valentine’s Day so residents have time to buy chocolates before the big day.
Hand Out Roses: Set up a table in your lobby or a common area and hand out individual roses to those who pass by. This is guaranteed to bring a smile to anyone’s face. Consider partnering with a local florist who can perhaps supply the flowers at a discount in exchange for attaching a small card with their business’s name to each flower as a promotion. After all, flowers can be sent any time of year, not just Valentine’s so it’s a good way for them to get long-term business.
Guess How Many Jar: Leading up to Valentine’s Day, set up a jar full of conversation hearts in your lobby or common area with paper slips and a box for residents to guess how many hearts are in the jar. On Valentine’s Day, pick a winner and hand out a gift card to a local shop.
February’s “National Holiday” Celebrations
Each month we highlight “National Days” that make for a great excuse to host a resident event or activity. All of these come from the National Day Calendar and are fun for residents of all ages!
Groundhog Day on February 2nd: A fun annual tradition, have residents predict if Punxsutawney Phil will see his shadow. This can be as easy as creating a poll in your Facebook group. For more interactive fun, have residents submit their guesses to a poll and pick a name at random, if they get the answer right, the winner can get a small gift card.
Send A Card To A Friend Day on February 7th: Use this day to combine sending mail to a friend as well as a valentine’s day activity. Set up a table with blank cards and envelopes with markers, stickers, and other arts and crafts staples and let residents come and enjoy card making. Supply stamps and keep a basket for finished cards and send out cards together. This event is particularly popular for residents with young families as kids can have the opportunity to make cards for their parents.
National Random Acts of Kindness Day on February 17th: Everyone loves coming together to do a good deed. Set up an Acts of Kindness table where residents can come and complete various activities that will make them feel good and bring a smile to others. Some ideas include collecting food for a food bank, words of encouragement cards that residents can take with them and give to people who might need a bit of extra love, or making and sending thank you cards to service members or local police and fire depts.
National Dog Biscuit Day on February 23rd: Everyone loves their pets. If your property allows pets, set up a table outside and encourage owners to take their dog for a walk to come get a treat or two! Not only will this let you get to know your residents, but it encourages interaction between neighbors. If your property has a dog park, have your table at the entrance so dogs can get a treat as they come or go. You can also use BringFido to find local destinations that are dog friendly if there are no options at your property.
Skip The Straw Day on February 25th: Celebrated the last Friday in February, National Skip the Straw Day was started in 2017 to encourage Americans to give up the straw habit and help spread awareness about the damage caused by disposable plastics. To celebrate, consider ordering customized metal straws with your property name and giving them out to residents!
Looking for additional apartment resident event ideas for November? Check out our ongoing collection of apartment resident event ideas for multifamily property managers!
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